May 2023

May 2023

Heading into May and the Three Oaks Train has left the station... we are so excited about recent developments and the momentum we are building. Here's a look at the local markets you can find us at this month:

5/5/2023: Greenville Goods, 12 W McBee Ave, Greenville, SC - 6PM-8PM

5/6/2023: Greenville State Farmers Market, 1354 Rutherford Rd, Greenville, SC - 8AM-12PM

5/13/2023: Greenville State Farmers Market, 1354 Rutherford Rd, Greenville, SC - 8AM-12PM

5/27/2023: McLadke Orchards Spring Fling Festival, 350 Old Oak Dr., Seneca, SC- 11AM-8PM

We would love to shareĀ as a result of our candle sales at theĀ Flea Fridays event at Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery, April 28th, 2023, we were able to donate to Ecologi and haveĀ  25 trees planted, species: Avicennia Marina in Kandrany, Madagascar.Ā 

For this quarter, we continue looking for more retail locations in theĀ Upstate in order to continue our expansion and make our products more readily available to potential customers.

We continue adding products and pictures to our website daily right now as we complete the final touches. Keep checking in on our social media @threeoakscandle for updates, news, and featured products.Ā 

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